Sunday, December 13, 2015

Multiple Sclerosis Not A Death Penalty

A diagnosis of MS or multiple sclerosis used to be considered a death penalty. Doctors didn’t seem to know much about it, or what to do for it. It got its name from the multiple ‘hard spots’ that occur when the immune system attacks the myelin sheath that insulates electrical signals in the nervous system along the spinal cord and brain. Other than knowing that the body is attacking itself, there wasn’t much information available.

When the body attacks itself in any way it is called an autoimmune disease. In easy terms the immune system has gone haywire and doesn’t know what belongs to the body and what’s a foreign invader, so it attacks everything. Modern science says we need to sedate or kill the immune system so that it can no longer harm the body. Natural medicine looks at the cause of the malfunction.
With MS there seems to be several things going on. They work together to create the perfect storm. If we can interrupt that storm we can reduce the symptoms and the progression of the disease.

One of the common denominators among MS patients is a digestion problem. Whether it is simple gluten intolerance, full blown IBS, or leaky gut syndrome seems to depend on the severity, how long the person has had it, and what their standard diet is like. Leaky gut syndrome is where the intestines become thin, with holes in it.  Food particles can then escape the intestines before being fully broken down into nutrients. These food particles are then foreign invaders to the body, putting the immune system on high alert. If you have ever seen an animal being picked on by a group of animals you quickly realize that the victim begins striking out at everything, friend or foe. This is what the immune system does within the body.

When digestive problems are in play we need to fix those before intense healing will occur. Almost all digestive problems can be solved to eating a completely natural diet. No chemicals. No pesticide residues, no preservatives, no artificial colors or flavors. No processed foods of any kind. For some people this means a complete change of diet. It can be hard, but it is worth it to get off your medications and get back on the road to good health.

In your new diet include as many fresh vegetables as possible. Also include some fresh fruits. All produce should be organic. Anything else contains pesticides and fertilizer residues. In addition you want to make sure you are getting large amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids. These can be found in grass fed meats and dairy, nuts, olive oil, flax, and coconut oil. Wheat is one of the biggest culprit in digestive problems, but to be really safe you would want to avoid all grains. As a food group they tend to cause inflammation, which increases the burden on the immune system.

Supplementation means eating foods in a concentrated form. If you need a lot of vitamin C you could eat oranges and bell peppers constantly all day long and miss out on other nutrients, or you could take an all-natural supplement. For vitamin D you could spend time outside naked, or take a natural supplement. For many of us our winter weather is not conducive to spending half an hour or more outside scantily clad.

Magnesium is one of the major deficiencies that trigger MS symptoms.  Our soils are magnesium deficient and food processing removes even more of this mineral. Magnesium supplements come in topical or oral forms. Many people prefer the topical supplements because you can avoid the stomach cramping and diarrhea that occurs if you get too much at one time.

Vitamin D is another one. With so many of us spending our days inside in offices or other buildings instead of outside working the land we just aren’t getting the vitamin D we need. Add to that the use of sunscreen when we are outside and we can be deficient even in the summer. They used to tell us we could get too much Vitamin D, but could not tell us what the toxicity (overload) symptoms were. Now we are finding out there aren’t any, or if there are they are at much higher levels than any of us could maintain even with supplementation.

Other deficiencies with links to MS include vitamins B1, B6, and B12, as well as zinc, folic acid, amino acids, manganese, and selenium. The Omega 3 fatty acids, magnesium and Vitamin D seem to be the most important nutrients to begin focusing on.

All prescriptions are toxic. They are chemicals meant to quickly change your body chemistry to get the effect they want. In an emergency, when you need results quickly, there is nothing better. For long term health the side effects can be just as harmful as the issues they are dealing with. This is why many people are seeking alternatives to prescriptions, and those with MS are no exception.

One woman with MS has turned to essential oils as part of her medicine cabinet. She has found that for the muscle spasms common to MS that wintergreen, basil, frankincense, sandalwood, and cayenne oils work well, either together in a blend or separately. She adds her oils to a carrier such as coconut oil and rubs it just where she needs it. This same woman has asthma and has been able to replace her inhaler with essential oils she rubs on her hands then cups her hands over her nose and mouth to breath in the scent. There are many essential oils, and multiple uses for each oil. If you can’t find someone to advise you then invest in a book and do your own research.

Modern medicine has its place. It is when they tell you that what is bothering you cannot be cured and will only get worse that we ought to wonder if there is a better way. Even if you have to combine better habits with medication you will be better off in the long run. Healthy habits will always improve the quality of life, even if they don’t totally cure your particular problem.

More about Multiple Sclerosis


Sunday, November 29, 2015

Arthritis Aches and Pains

As the colder weather sets in you hear more complaints about the aches and pains of arthritis. Many people blame this on the weather, but there may be more than just the weather causing those aches and pains.

Arthritis is an autoimmune disease. Like most chronic illnesses modern medicine really doesn't know what to do with it. Instead of trying to find the root cause, they concentrate on attacking the symptoms. The symptoms are easy to find, but hard to treat. Most of them use pain relievers, starting with over the counter and moving up to steroids or even stronger narcotics. In the mean time they work at reducing the effectiveness of the immune system. Since it is an autoimmune disease they figure if they kill the immune system it will quit attacking the body. What they forget is that without an immune system there will eventually be no body.

Instead of going that route it makes sense to attack the underlying causes of arthritis. The first one is gluten, or grains in general. Gluten, and other portions of grains cause inflammation, something someone with arthritis has more than enough of already. In addition to this gluten can cause leaky gut syndrome, which can lead to even more allergic, or autoimmune symptoms.

Nightshades are other foods that cause inflammation. Especially to those with a sensitivity to them. If you have chronic pain you are most likely sensitive to nightshades. Nightshades include tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggplant, and blueberries.

Other foods may be trigger foods for you. Try eliminating (one at a time) refined sugar, foods high in oxalic acid, caffeine, alcohol, red meat, eggs, and dairy. Not all of these will be trigger foods, but some of them might be yours.

Mercury and other heavy metals can cause your immune system to be overloaded. An overloaded immune system easily gets confused about what is an invader and what is the body it is supposed to be protecting.

Mycotoxins are volatile organic compounds produced by toxic mold. These overload the immune system and cause inflammation in the body. Breathing these mold spores would be similar to drinking small amounts of poison every day. It might not kill you right away, but your health isn't going to improve as long as you keep it up.

Like leaky gut, a gut that is over run with bacteria can leave you susceptible to illness and work your immune system into overload. Get rid of the bad bacteria and replace them with probiotics and fermented foods.

While you are working on cleaning up your diet, your bloodstream, and your environment there are a lot of things you can do to improve your pain level and your ability to function on a day to day basis.
Get some gentle exercise every day. Although the joint may not like to move, it will feel better afterwards. Exercise will also delay any stiffening of the joint.

Put some heat on it. Heat loosens the joints and relieves some of the pain. In addition to just warming an Epsom salt bath or a few minutes in an infrared sauna will also pull some of the toxins out of the joints. A good massage can help in relieving the pain and the toxins within the body.

In addition there are many foods and supplements that can help with the pain and swelling. These include tart cherries, apple cider vinegar, stinging nettle, alfalfa, turmeric, fish oil, glucosamine/chondroitin, ginger, essential oils, a Chinese herb called thunder god, an herb called devil's claw, or another called cat's claw, willow, Vitamins C, D3, E, A and a B complex. Digestive plant enzymes can also be helpful in cleaning out the waste products in the body.

Eating a clean diet without processed foods, artificial sweeteners, flavoring or colorings will also help. So will getting plenty of water. A good way to define plenty is to take your body weight in pounds and divide that number in half. That will give you the number of ounces of good clear water you want to strive for every day.

Good health is a journey. Start from wherever you are in life and strive to be continuously moving towards the goal.


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Pulmonary Fibrosis

Pulmonary Fibrosis is a scarring of the lungs. Scars are made up of a substance called fibrin.  This fibrin stiffens the lungs, making it harder to breathe. It also ‘fills up’ the lungs. This reduces the capacity of the lungs, making it harder and harder to get a deep breathe. Along with this the sufferer tends to cough. They have fluid in the lungs which they cough up. It is a very uncomfortable and can be life threatening.

Modern medicine considers this an autoimmune illness. They treat it with steroids and asthma type medication. Even with these treatments there is little hope for improvement, only a slowing of the increase of the symptoms. They hope to gain time for the person.

The problem with these treatments is that they lower the immune system.  With a decrease in immune function you catch illnesses easier, and suffer from them more than a person with a healthy immune system would. This decreases the quality of life drastically.

Alternative and/or natural medicine takes a different approach. Fibrin is made up of proteins. It is the same substance that a visual scar on the skin is made up of. Protease is an enzyme that digests proteins. Taken orally it will work on the proteins in the digestive tract first. Whatever is not used will then move to the blood stream. Once in the blood stream it will digest, or break down proteins that don’t belong there. It does not attack the muscles, even though they are also protein based.

Protease can be taken as a supplement alone, or in a blend of enzymes that also help digest other types of foods. For an example Lipase breaks down fats and Amylase breaks down carbohydrates.

Lactase breaks down lactose, from milk products. Pectinase breaks down pectin. Many people prefer to get their protease in one of these blends. These blends help with overall digestion, but just like with the protease all enzymes that are not utilized for digestion can work throughout the body to clean out the debris of everyday living.

In addition to enzymes many alternative or natural medicine practitioners would also recommend boosting the immune system. This is in direct contrast to the modern medicine practitioner.   They are utilizing alternate theories. Modern medicine says that when the immune system is malfunctioning you suppress it. Alternative/natural medicine says that when the immune system is malfunctioning you strengthen it and it will begin functioning properly again.

The word picture that explains strengthening the immune system the best is that of a cornered animal. When a frightened animal feels cornered they will strike out at everything that comes near it. They will even attack their beloved human who is only trying to help. You reduce the attacks on the animal they can once again take time to differentiate between friend and foe.

In regards to the immune system when it is weak and overwhelmed it starts seeing everything it comes into contact with as the enemy, including the human body it is supposed to be protecting. When you begin feeding it and strengthening it the immune system will begin to relax and recognize the difference between friend and foe. It takes time to build it up, and at first the symptoms of the autoimmune disease can worsen, but over time they usually begin to subside.

Pulmonary Fibrosis is a serious problem. Each person has to determine for themselves what the best way to handle it is for them. Taking the steroids and building the immune system at the same time won’t work. Taking the steroids and the enzymes at the same time may give better results than the steroids alone. You are in charge of your health. Only you can make the final decisions.


Friday, October 2, 2015

Magnesium essential to the human body

Even though a lot has been written about it many people still do not understand how essential magnesium is to the functioning of the human body. They also don’t realize how difficult it is for the average American to get enough magnesium to meet their needs. One survey said that 68% of all Americans are not getting enough magnesium. Part of this is due to the mineral depletion of our soils.

Magnesium is used by every organ in the body. It provides strength to the bones and teeth, activates enzymes, regulates blood calcium levels, aids in energy production, and is used to assimilate and utilize other vitamins and minerals throughout the body. It could be said that it comes in second only to Vitamin D in its widespread importance.  Another survey says that millions could be saved in health care costs through magnesium supplementation.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency reads like a medical dictionary. They include:
•    Mitral valve prolapse
•    Cardiac arrythmias
•    Migraines
•    ADHD
•    Autism
•    Anxiety
•    Asthma
•    Allergies
•    Chronic Pain
•    Fibromyalgia
•    Chronic Fatigue
•    Muscle Spasms
•    Insomnia
•    Twitching & tremors
•    Swelling/edema
•    Weak pulse
•    Brain fog/confusion
•    Osteoporosis
•    Depression
•    Restless Leg Syndrome
•    Epilepsy
•    ALS
•    MS
•    Diabetes

Although not all of these can be directly linked to magnesium deficiency there is strong evidence that all of these can be helped by increasing magnesium intake. If you are suffering from any of these magnesium supplementation seems be a safe and simple thing to try before going on pharmaceuticals with side effects that can permanently damage the body.

Food sources for magnesium include:
•    Raw, grass-fed dairy products
•    Pumpkin seeds
•    Raw green veggies
•    Raw cacao (Organic Raw chocolate)
•    Pink salt and unrefined sea salts
•    Wild-caught fish
•    Sea vegetable - kelp/nori/dulse
•    Sprouted nuts/seeds
•    Avocados
•    Sprouted legumes
•    Quinoa
•    Summer Squash
•    Raspberries
•    Black Beans
•    Seafood

There are also many forms of magnesium supplements. They all have their benefits and drawbacks.
•    Magnesium citrate, loosens the bowels
•    Magnesium taurate targets the heart muscles
•    Magnesium malate increases energy
•    Magnesium glycinate
•    Magnesium carbonate reduces indigestion
•    Magnesium orotate also targets heart muscles

The worst forms of magnesium are:
•    Magnesium stearate – it’s not really a form of magnesium at all,
•    Magnesium oxide – is very poorly absorbed
•    Magnesium sulfate – should only be used topically
•    Magnesium glutamate and aspartate – these are neurotoxins

Any magnesium supplement that you take internally can cause some internal problems, but magnesium is one of those substances that can be absorbed through the skin. Epson salts is a form of magnesium that can be absorbed through a warm bath. Topical magnesium supplements have the advantage of being able to be applied quickly. They can later be washed or wiped off, or just left on.

You will not absorb more than you need.


Friday, September 25, 2015

Seborrheic Keratoses

Seborrheic Keratoses is often called Seborrheic Dermatitis. It is similar to dandruff and cradle cap, but is located on exposed skin anywhere on the body, though usually on the face, neck and chest. It is not cancerous or contagious. It is itchy and unsightly. Dermatologists frequently freeze it off with liquid nitrogen, scrape it off, or burn it off with a laser. In each of these cases it is likely to come back. When they do they tend to be larger than the original spot.

Seborrheic refers to the sebaceous or oil glands of the body. It refers to the fact that these lesions are somewhat oily in consistency. Keratoses refer to a keratinocyte which is a normal skin cell. So the term Seborrheic Keratoses is a fancy way of saying oily skin cell. Although they sound fairly normal they don’t look it.

These cells are thicker than normal skin cells, with an oilier appearance. Some people compare them to having a piece of clay stuck to your skin. They are not harmful to your health, except for your mental health if they are unsightly enough to affect your self-esteem. They are typically a different color than the surrounding skin, sometimes having a yellow, tan, black or brown appearance. They may look like a wart.

The exact cause of this condition is not known, though many scientists feel this is an allergic reaction to something.  That something could be shampoo, conditioner, makeup, and laundry detergent, pretty much anything that comes in contact with the skin.

Based on this concept the home remedy is to remove those types of products and begin detoxifying both the skin and the internal body. We can’t go without washing our face, hair and clothing, but you can switch to all natural products whose ingredients are less likely to be part of the product. For the face and hair an all-natural soap made from clay, charcoal or walnut husks would be a good place to start. Lightly soiled clothes can be washed without any detergent or soap. Today’s machines can do a good job even without any added products. Heavily soiled clothes may need an all-natural or even homemade detergent. Bleach or products containing bleach might very likely be the culprit here. Hydrogen Peroxide is a good substitute for bleach in the laundry.

The concept here is to get rid of all chemicals that come in contact with the body. We absorb chemicals through our skin as well as through our digestion. Getting them out of the body will allow the natural cleaning ability of the body to kick in.

You can also begin an "internal cleansing" using detoxification methods.


Saturday, September 19, 2015

Cold Season Year Round

We hear a lot about summer colds and winter colds. Some feel the summer colds are worse. I think they affect us more. In the summer we want to wear lighter clothing and spend time outdoors doing fun things, like playing in the water. When you have a summer cold you are restricted from doing those things. In the winter many of us want to bundle up on the couch, drink warm liquids and read a book, watch TV, or just stare into a fire. Sounds exactly like what we ought to be doing to feel better from a cold. The question isn’t so much as to when you got the cold. The biggest question is why you got the cold. And the thousand dollar question is how you can get rid of it.

Grandma always said to bundle up and cover your ears when you went outside in cold weather. Is there any truth to what she said? It turns out there are several things that make it more likely to catch a cold during the colder weather.
•    Colder air is typically dryer. This dries out our nasal passages and reduces one of the ways our body protects us from viruses.
•    Viruses are stronger when they are cold. Science is showing that the protective coating on a virus is thicker in cold weather than it is in warm weather.
•    Cold temperatures pull our blood flow into our core. This restricts the white blood cells in their ability to fight off the viruses.
•    We can run low on Vitamin D. Our bodies make this from sunshine hitting our skin. Even if it is sunny outside, if it’s cold we won’t have much bare skin. Vitamin D protects us from many different illnesses.
•    We are trapped inside with stale air, and sometimes more people.
•    Emotional trauma can occur more easily when we are around more people. Negative emotions lower our immune systems.
•    We tend to eat more sugary foods in colder weather. Sugar also lowers our immune systems.

Once we are feeling yucky what can we do about it? Are we limited to visiting our doctor or visiting the local drug store? The answer is no, there are a lot of things we can do for ourselves. With a well-stocked pantry we don’t even have to leave home.

For the sore throat:
•    Honey, lemon and ginger tea. This is just what it sounds like. Mix honey, organic lemon slices and organic ginger slices and let it sit to blend. When needed put a spoonful in a cup of hot water and sip slowly.
•    Horehound cough drops or teas. The drops can be made ahead of time and stored for when needed. You can purchase Horehound at an herb shop, or grow your own. Most recipes combine horehound with honey.
•    Gargle with Cayenne tea. Mix a sprinkle of cayenne powder with warm water and gargle. You can add a good Himalayan or sea salt for added benefit.
•    Gargle or sip Apple Cider Vinegar diluted with water. You can add other ingredients such as herbs or spices for more benefit.
•    Sage tea.
For the congestion:
•    Eat or drink some antiviral foods such as Garlic, Ginger, Real Cranberry, Cinnamon, Real Raw Honey, Echinacea, Pau D’Arco and Oregano Oil.
•    Include some antibacterial foods for good measure: Onion, Turmeric, Lemon, Cayenne, and Peppermint.
•    Make your own “Vapor Rub” using coconut oil and essential oils of eucalyptus, rosemary, peppermint, cloves, and possibly cedarwood. Mix and match until you find a combination that works for you. If you chill it the consistency will be firmer.

To prevent colds in the first place you need to work on strengthening your immune system. This isn’t something you do just because you feel like you are coming down with something. These are things you can do all the time to make your body stronger and more resistant to any type of illness.
•    Vitamin C
•    Probiotics
•    Plant Sterols
•    Oregano Oil
•    Thyme
•    Zinc
•    Vitamin D
•    Reduce Stress
•    Eat real/organic foods. Stay away from processed foods.
•    Get plenty of rest on a regular basis.
•    Stay well hydrated.

We all have times when we are going a thousand miles an hour and not taking very good care of ourselves. Sometimes they just can’t be avoided. The rest of the time we need to comply with the old saying of eat right and get plenty of rest. This includes avoiding sweets and junk food as well as excessive alcohol or other stimulants or depressants. Our bodies are designed to crave equilibrium. 

The more we can feed that need the stronger those bodies will be and the better we will feel year round.


Monday, September 7, 2015

Constipation - I'm all plugged up

Constipation is on the rise in our world today. Studies done in the US, and Europe, are showing us it is a serious problem. Nursing homes are known for constipation problems. Looking at some of the causes of constipation it is easy to see why.


Our bodies need water for most of our daily functions. This includes our bowel movements. If there isn’t enough moisture inside the body the bowels are one of the last areas to receive its share. In the nursing home crowds incontinence is a common problem. Many of these folks begin avoiding water in the hope of avoiding accidents. When they do drink something it is typically something with more flavor than plain water. Yet, plain water is what the body craves for hydration.


Fiber is the parts of plants that are hard for the body to digest. It is also harder for the person to chew. This can lead to many of our nursing home residents to avoid high fiber foods. They opt instead for the lower fiber processed foods. This causes there to be less bulk in the stool, that in turn makes them harder to pass.

Lack of exercise

One of the things that move our bowels is the movement of our bodies. Nursing homes are designed to make people comfortable, not necessarily healthier. They don’t encourage their residents to do any more movement than they want to do. The more you sit, the more the fecal matter within your bowel sits as well. The more it sits the more dried out it gets and the harder it is to move it.

Dairy Products

For many people too much dairy products can have a constipating effect. Many of our processed foods or comfort foods have a dairy element to them. This can make an already serious problem even worse.

Resisting the urge to go

In a nursing home when someone needs help getting to the bathroom that help isn’t always readily available. Rather than messing themselves people have a tendency to try to avoid that bowel movement until help arrives. This causes the fecal matter to sit in the bowel longer, losing its moisture.

Over use of laxatives

Even when the staff at the home tries to help by giving laxatives this can make the problem worse. Just like rebound headaches when you are dependent on over the counter headache remedies there is such a thing as rebound constipation. The body becomes dependent on the laxatives and won’t release the fecal matter without it.

Neurological Disorders

Many people are in nursing homes because they suffer from debilitating neurological problems such as Alzheimer’s, other forms of dementia, Parkinson’s, MS, or other diseases. These diseases rob the mind and body of control of not only thoughts, but body functions as well.


Many medications have a constipating effect. The very definition of a nursing home supposes the person needs medical care and is thus on medications. This can range from such simple things as antacids to pain medications, antidepressants and something as simple as an iron supplement.

Considering the multiple medications most nursing home residents are on it would be a miracle if they were not constipated.


Many people think of depression as a mood problem, but many times it affects the whole body. When people are depressed they don’t eat right, move around, or care if they need to go to the bathroom or not.  

Why is this a major problem we need to be concerned about? If you look at each of the causes above you will see that they aren’t confined to nursing homes. Every person on earth could be impacted by one or more of them. Instead of holding a bowel movement because you need help to get to the bathroom the busy executive could be holding it because he can’t get out of the meeting he is in.  Every single one of them could be extrapolated to the general public. The rates of constipation in the general public are reaching epidemic proportions.

Constipation causes many serious problems. It isn’t just an uncomfortable inconvenience. The problems range from causing bloating, cramps, and a feeling of incomplete elimination to fecal impaction (which is when hardened stool gets stuck in your intestines) and even to colon cancer. In between there are hemorrhoids, anal fissures (tears in the skin in your anus) and even rectal prolapse (where part of your intestine protrudes from your anus).

Beyond these extreme problems someone with constipation is just generally less healthy than someone without this problem. This is because the longer the fecal matter is inside your body the more likely it is for you to absorb toxins that your body is trying to eliminate. It is also a breeding ground for parasites and harmful bacteria, such as candida.

What to do?
Beyond the obvious of avoiding the problems listed above there are many things you can do for yourself or a loved one with this problem.
•    Eat fermented foods. The good bacteria in them help move matters along.
•    Eat your vegetables, cruciferous and green leafy.
•    Get some good fats, such as coconut oil or olive oil. These help lubricate the bowels.
•    Supplement with aloe or slippery elm. Both help your body produce the mucus that helps move things along. Be cautious with aloe, it can cause cramping and diarrhea.
•    Supplement with magnesium. Oral magnesium supplements can also cause cramping and diarrhea, but topical magnesium supplements do not, and are still effective.
•    Avoid stimulating laxatives such as mineral oil or castor oil.  Although they work they tend to set you up for a rebound effect.
•    Drink some ginger tea. This is a natural mild laxative and stimulant. It also has a healing effect on the stomach and bowels.
•    Eat mucilaginous foods such as okra and chia seeds. They act along the same lines as supplementing with slippery elm.
•    The most important thing you can do is to stay hydrated with pure, clean water.


Thursday, August 27, 2015

Diabetes Causes Are Many and Varied

A lot of times when we think of diabetes we think of indulgence. That is because the most common type of diabetes is caused by insulin intolerance. This is different from not making enough insulin. It is more like your body has been making so much that the cells have started ignoring it. It's as if the insulin is the sound of the doorbell and the neighbor kids keep ringing it and running away. After a while you just start ignoring the sound. The purpose of insulin is to move the sugar in the blood into the cells so they can use it for fuel.

Besides diet there have been some new studies that show other causes for diabetes, ones we weren't always aware of.

Lipitor, a cholesterol drug from Pfizer, has been clearly linked to causing diabetes in women. There are lawsuits against the manufacturer because of it. Since the link was suggested there have been studies that seem to prove the link. Although all statins seem to carry this risk Lipitor seems the worst. One study estimated that 50% of post menopausal women would get diabetes from Lipitor.
Another set of drugs that show a link to diabetes are the antidepressants. One study that found a link between antidepressants and risk for type 2 diabetes discovered the risk almost doubled in patients using two types of drugs at the same time: tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). One reason they began looking at antidepressants was that somebody noticed that as the use of them increased so did the number of people who were diabetic.

One thing that may be impacting the parallels between antidepressants and diabetes is diet. Many of the foods that cause or increase depression are the same foods that cause or increase diabetes. They are the ones that trigger the body to make insulin, thereby causing the body to quit recognizing the signal.

Recent research also revealed that rabbits introduced to a toxin produced by the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria developed symptoms of type 2 diabetes, including systemic inflammation, insulin resistance, and glucose intolerance. Another bacteria, Bifidobacteria, seems to counteract the harm of Staphylococcus. Babies with high numbers of Bifidobacteria and low numbers of Staphylococcus aureus – which may cause low-grade inflammation in your body, contributing to obesity – appeared to be protected from excess weight gain. This may be one reason why breast-fed babies have a lower risk of obesity, as Bifidobacteria flourish in the guts of breast-fed babies. These bacteria can be found in the gut, but also sometimes on the skin.

Diabetes is known as a gateway disease to other diseases and health problems. The excess sugar and insulin in your blood stream does a lot of damage to the body. Diabetes could easily be called pre-cancer or pre-heart disease, because the insulin resistance is damaging to all of your body’s tissues… including that of your brain.

Dementia is a well-known risk factor of diabetes, and new study found problems with blood flow in the brain may develop in as little as two years in people with diabetes. That impaired blood flow appears to accelerate cognitive decline, lowering thinking and memory skills.

We can't control whether or not our mother's breast fed us as babies. What we can control is how we eat and take care of ourselves now. We can introduce good bacteria, that keep us slimmer and fight diabetes, through fermented foods and probiotic supplements. Just make sure your fermented foods are truly healthy and not packed full of sugar. Sugar feeds the bad bacteria. We can also ensure that the other foods we are eating are low on the glycemic index. The lower on the index a food is the less it raises blood sugar. The lower we keep our blood sugar the less insulin we produce. The less insulin we produce the more our cells respond to the insulin we make. I think you get the picture here.

Don't forget your exercise! Exercise helps your body burn off that excess sugar.

Diabetes is one of those issues that a healthy lifestyle can make a big impact on. If you are willing to do the work at home you won't have to depend on medications that your doctor can prescribe. The more you do the less prescriptions you will have to take. The less prescriptions you take the less side effects you will have. The less side effects you have the less prescriptions you will need to combat them.

Do you feel some circular reasoning coming on?

The main message is that if you are willing to take care of yourself you will be better off in the long run.


Thursday, August 13, 2015


When it comes to ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) there seems to be three distinct camps.

Camp 1 claims that it is a valid disorder, if not a full fledged disease. These people feel that the best way to deal with it is with medication. Some even go so far as to say that the earlier that medication is started the better. The problem with these medications is that their long term effect has not been studied in depth. There are indications that these drugs can cause some serious problems such as
•    Permanent brain damage
•    Liver damage
•    Heart and blood vessel damage7
•    Heart attack,
•    stroke,
•    sudden death
•    Changes in personality, depression and/or hallucinations,
•    suicide
•    Increased cancer risk

Camp 2 feels that there is a problem, but that drugs are not the answer. They point to the skyrocketing rate of increase in diagnosis in the last few years. They see a correlation between the increases of chemicals in our water, food and personal care products and the increase in attention problems. If this group is correct the best way of dealing with this epidemic is to take us back to a simpler way of life with fresh foods from the garden and farm.

Camp 3 believes that ADHD doesn't exist, it is a figment of imagination of those in the medical, especially psychological, industry. These folks look at the changes in our education systems and see an impact from that on the behavior of our children. They point to the fact that teachers are changing their teaching methods in such a way that there are two groups of children that feel left out and bored.

These two groups are the ones that are ahead of what the teacher is teaching, and those that are behind and are struggling to catch up. There are less physical activities in the classroom as well.  A bored child has a harder time focusing on the subject matter. They also have a harder time sitting still.

This combination causes more children to be disruptive.

In this viewpoint parents are also partially to blame. They sit their small child down in front of the television for hours. Then they think there is something wrong when the child begins running around the room, jumping on the furniture and acting out what they have been watching. These parents need to understand that wiggles and short attention spans are normal in young children. They really are not tiny adults.

So, as a parent or grandparent of a young child what are you supposed to do?

1.  Make sure your expectations are realistic
2.  Look at the physical activity provided for the child, make sure there is enough
3.  Look at the food the child is eating and eliminate the following;
  •  sugar and artificial sweeteners
  •  grains
  •  processed foods
  •  artificial colors and flavors
  •  exposure to electro-magnetic fields (EMF)
  •  exposure to household chemicals
  •  Glyphosate-contaminated food
  •  Fluoridated water and/or fluoride
4.  Increase your childs exposure to;
  •  Physical activity breaks
  •  Fermented foods without added sugar
  •  Omega 3 fatty acids
  •  Vitamin D
  •  Increase time outdoors, especially in nature
  •  Positive reinforcement of positive behaviors
If there truly is an underlying physical problem these things will still help. If it is simply emotional acting out based on environmental stimulants these changes should have a profound effect. Either way your child will be better off, and you may possibly avoid some very dangerous drugs.

Since Adderall abuse has grown to epidemic levels you can find more information about the best all-natural alternatives to Adderall.


Thursday, August 6, 2015


Lupus is an autoimmune disease. Like most of the autoimmune diseases modern medicine does not truly understand the cause of Lupus. They have broken it down to three distinct versions of the problem. They are, in plain English, systemic, skin only and infantile. The systemic version is the most common.

Symptoms of systemic lupus include extreme fatigue, painful or swollen joints (arthritis), unexplained fever, skin rashes, and kidney problems. These symptoms are not consistent from person to person or even from one period of time to another. Because the symptoms seem to come and go they are referred to as flareups of the disease. Different things trigger these flareups in different people, though one that is pretty consistent is exposure to sunlight.

This is problematic in that Vitamin D deficiency is common among Lupus victims. Vitamin D also plays a large role in protecting us from many other chronic illnesses. Since people with Lupus have trouble spending time in the sun it is generally recommended that they take a Vitamin D supplement. Typical recommendations would be 10,000 units per day. Testing to monitor Vitamin D levels are also recommended.

Leaky gut syndrome is a very common issue that is related to autoimmune diseases like SLE. In these conditions, an abundance of pathogenic bacteria and yeasts take hold of the reigns of control in the gut and create inflammatory changes that damage the intestinal lining. This allows food particles to pass into the bloodstream. The undigested food particles are identified by the immune system and labeled as toxic invaders and a massive immune assault results. The most common recommendation for healing leaky gut syndrome is called the GAPS diet. These types of diets are very low in sugar and processed foods. They are high in fermented foods and often recommend taking probiotic supplements. Avoiding modern grown meats and dairy are also critical, but naturally grown versians of these products have been shown to be helpful.

Because many people with lupus go on to have high cholesterol and heart problems many doctors recommend that they take statins to try to prevent this. Although statins can be useful there come with some pretty serious problems. Among them are weakened muscles, including heart muscles. A study done with children with lupus has shown that there is no advantage to them taking statins.

Other illnesses that seem to occur more often with lupus patients than with the general population are leukemia and breast cancer. This may be because lupus interferes with the immune system in ways that normally protect us, or it may be because one of the common treatments for lupus is immune depressing drugs.

Other treatments that doctors use include NSAIDS. These come with their own sets of complications which can include kidney problems and ulcers. Some other attempts at treatment have also shown to be problematic. One such attempt was the off label use of a drug named Rituxan. Off label means that the FDA has not specifically approved that drug for that purpose. Rituxan has been approved for lymphoma and rheumatoid arthritis. Two people died when prescribed the drug for their lupus.

Alfalfa is one supplement that has been found useful with lupus. Alfalfa is an antipyretic, which means it is a fever reducer. It is a diuretic, meaning it increases urination. It is an appetite stimulant, and is a hemostatic, which means it helps to stop bleeding. Alfalfa is mineral and vitamin rich. It is very high in the macro-nutrients calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. Alfalfa has a high chlorophyll content, and contains almost every known vitamin. It has been clinically proven to reduce LDL cholesterol and shows promise in the treatment of autoimmune diseases such as lupus.

Most autoimmune diseases can be managed with a diet rich in organic foods and eliminating all processed foods, especially sugar. Non dietary sources of toxins such as personal care products and air fresheners should also be avoided. Mild exercise and plenty of fresh air (although out of direct sunshine) has also been shown to be effective.


Thursday, July 30, 2015

Sick State of Healthcare

Is our health care system making us sick, or worse yet, killing us? Most of us think that our doctors and hospitals are there to help us be healthy. The truth of the matter is that our health care system is there to make money. From the primary care doctor to the major medical center none of them are going to stay in business unless they make a profit. Most of them have investors. Investors are not guardian angels that give out money for the fun of it. They are people who want their money to work hard at making more money. You would not leave your money in a bank that charges you for the privilege. Neither would an investor loan money to a business that isn't making a profit. But what does that mean for our health? One concept rises to the top "Buyer Beware!".
Nursing homes are notorious for being understaffed, and the staffing they do have in under trained. There was an incident that a male patient burnt to death in front of the nursing home staff, and they did nothing about it. They were afraid of doing the wrong thing, so they did nothing! He sat outside in his wheelchair alone while they waited for paramedics. The staff was not heartless. They were afraid of doing the wrong thing, so they did nothing! Many law makers try to legislate common sense in places like that, but what happens is that they train their staff to comply with the paperwork and forget about teaching them common sense on how to care for people.
It isn't just nursing homes. Hospitals can have the same type of problems. A patient in San Francisco went missing from her hotel room. They had missing persons posters were put up in the neighborhood. Two weeks later they found her, dead, in an unused stairwell. If the hospital had done a proper search they would have found her within hours. The saddest part of all was that the door of the stairwell led outdoors, and it was locked from the outside! If there were a fire anyone using that stairwell would have been trapped.
Medical mistakes account for one sixth of all deaths in the United States! Mistakes are preventable. We have the most expensive medical care of any country on the planet, yet we still have problems with people making mistakes. I personally know a woman that suffered from major infections for years because the surgeon left a sponge or a clamp in her. There was too much infection for them to operate to get it out! Then she began having money problems because of it. Everything they did to 'correct' the problem they charged her for.
Unnecessary surgeries are another area where our medical system is costing us money and endangering our health. The most highly abused surgeries are heart surgeries such as angioplasty or stints, pacemakers, back surgeries, hysterectomy, knee surgery, and Cesarian section. Most of these are considered 'emergency surgery'. If you think you need it you think you need it as soon as possible in order to save your life or the life of your child. The rest are issues with high pain level. If surgery is offered when you are in extreme pain you will jump at the chance for pain relief.
Why are these considered unnecessary? In many cases it is because there are other ways of dealing with the problem that do not increase risk. In many cases the risk of alternative treatment is less risky than the surgery. All of these incur long term problems for the person undergoing the surgery. In many Cesarian sections there is evidence of long term problems for the child. In some of these cases there is statistical proof that these surgeries don't do what they are purported to do. They do not relieve the pain.
Any time surgery is performed there is some risk. When anesthesia is used that risk is increased dramatically. Anesthesia has lasting effects on the brain. This is dramatic in someone elderly, yet the elderly are having more surgeries than the rest of our population. Many of our oldest loved ones go into minor surgery thinking clearly and come out with a marked level of dementia. Others just don't make it through the surgery.
We have all heard about the poor food in hospitals. There is very little 'real' food or fresh food available. A family member recently had surgery and once she began eating every meal had something on the plate that she was allergic to. Her allergic reaction was an increase in her pain. Even though this was pointed out repeatedly they still did not pay attention to what was being served to her, they just increased her pain medications.
Another thing that increases pain for those in the hospital is the lighting. In a supposed effort to keep the atmosphere calm there is low level artificial lights on day and night. This light level, and lack of natural lighting decreases the ability to sleep and increases the level of pain and depression for the patient.
What are we to do?
Take good care of yourself so that you need the medical industry as little as possible.
If you or a loved one is told they need surgery get a second opinion. Do some research and find out if there are any non-surgical solutions you can try first.
If you absolutely must have surgery have an advocate available to look out for you. They can't be in surgery, but they can question medication and food options. They can also request a room with a window and open the curtains for you so you can get some natural sunlight.
Our medical system is broken. We need to opt out of it as much as possible. Taking care of ourselves for the little things will keep us from needing medical care for the major things.