Acne is an annoying problem to have. One reason
is that everyone can see it. The other reason is that many people think it is
caused by dirty skin. But, there are a lot of homeless folks that go around
with visible dirt, and they don't have acne.
Science has now found a link between acne and
dirt, but it is the dirt inside your body, not on the outside. One of my
instructors stated that all skin eruptions are caused by the body trying to
push toxins out through the skin. Some people claim that hormones are to blame.
This can be linked to the toxicity concept if you think of the body trying to
get rid of excess hormones through the skin.
Over the counter medication and antibiotics do
nothing for the toxicity level in the body. At best they simply keep the
breakouts from becoming infected, therefor they heal faster and aren't as
Preventing the breakouts is a different matter
altogether. The first step includes cleaning up what you put in and on the body
by detoxifying
the body. The biggest food culprits are sugars and grains. No wonder
teenager are plagued with acne, this is what most of them are surviving on. The
other things to consider is what you are putting on the skin. Antibacterial
soaps, petroleum based moisturizers and most available makeup are full of
toxins. They are adding to the problem, and blocking the pores so the breakouts
are bigger and deeper.
Once you quit putting garbage in you can think
about getting the built up garbage out of your system.
Thyme can be used topically for both healing the
eruptions and detoxifying the skin. Another topical treatment is a combination
of mint and turmeric. Juice the mint and mix it with the turmeric, then spread
it on the breakouts. It can be rinsed off in just a few minutes. Another
topical mix to rinse off is garlic and cayenne pepper. I don't think this one
would smell quite as good as the mint and turmeric, but the concept behind it
is the same. Echinacea is an herb that has been found beneficial both when
eaten and applied topically.
Many people with acne actually have dry skin. Coconut oil makes a great moisturizer
because it is antibacterial, so it will keep any breakouts from becoming
infected. Some people like to use 'toners' to tighten their skin and give it a
really clean feel. Apple Cider Vinegar that has been diluted with water makes a
great toner. It is also antibacterial, and well as being slightly drying to get
rid of that oily feeling.
Sometimes getting a really good handle on great
skin means getting some good bacteria into your system. This can be done
through eating some fermented foods. I am not talking about the yogurt in the
grocery store. Most of those have so much sugar they would actually make it
worse instead of better. I am talking about homemade yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut,
kimchi and other homemade fermented foods. If you want even more, or can't
stomach the fermented foods there are probiotic supplements that can
be helpful.
Sleep, sunshine, exercise, water, Omega 3 fatty
acids and reducing stress have all been shown to be helpful in the fight
against acne. The funny thing is that they have all been shown to be helpful in
having a healthy body as well. Maybe we ought to think of the health of our
skin as an indicator of the health of our overall body. If the skin is showing
signs of toxicity it is telling us that the levels are high enough to be
causing problems inside our bodies as well.
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